African Peacemaking And Governance

African Peacemaking And Governance

Book Overview

This volume evaluates methodologies of peacemaking, democratization and governance within the continent of Africa. Its objective and scope engage relational aspects of political organization, awaken public conscience, and motivate public action. It provides a platform that could be considered prerequisite for political transformations. Such a tentative framework could be useful not only for resolving the prevailing situation of confusion, disorder and conflict, but also reconstruct social relationships.

The test of its validity and relevancy is not whether it accounts for particular conflicts but whether it provides a framework and horizon through which we can comprehend the dynamics of social reconstruction as a gateway to the process of democratization and good governance. A reconstructed understanding of democracy and governance enhances popular participations and creativity. Interdisciplinary study of this sort brings forth practical and theoretical contributions to the evolving shape of political organization and governance.

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Aquiline Tarimo, S.J
Paulin Manwelo, S.J



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